Pacific Community Music School is a unique environment carefully structured to creatively impart the benefit of music to students of any age, skill level, and background. We offer an array of opportunities and services using all the resources available at the Pacific Conservatory of Music. It is a nurturing, encouraging, and supportive environment with instruction provided by the Conservatory faculty, other professional musicians and qualified Conservatory students.

PCMS offers music education which is complementary to the local music programs and reinforces the relationship existing between the Pacific Conservatory of Music and educational organizations in the region.

a happy music teacher with a violin
Offered Courses and Lessons

Instructors will be assigned based on the age and abilities of the student.


Please, fill out and submit the enrollment form. Once we received it, we will send you a follow up email to guide you through the next steps.


Pacific Community Music School's purpose is to provide instruction in music open to all ages in California’s Central Valley. Through lessons, group instruction, and classes, students in PCMS learn from Pacific faculty, qualified current music-majors, and with other professional music educators in the region.

PCMS students take lessons on Pacific’s campus in classroom and studio spaces assigned to the Conservatory. PCMS students develop abilities in and through music via healthy practice and study skills. PCMS students and their families participate in student recitals, and are encouraged to attend music events presented at Pacific, including concerts, guest lectures and masterclasses.

PCMS strives to establish a nurturing and supportive environment, one complementary to each student’s school-based music program. Through PCSM, Pacific strives to strengthen California’s commitment to provide arts instruction to every student.

Upon completion of  the enrollment form, you will be contacted with the name of your instructor and their lesson rates. You will then proceed to the online payment platform where you will pay a $20 enrollment fee and tuition.

The option of a monthly payment is also available. Monthly tuition must be received between the 1st and the 3rd of each month. You are encouraged to pay online using VISA or MasterCard but cash or check will also be accepted. Registration will be completed when payment is received in full. (If you cannot make a payment online, please contact

Students are expected to notify their teachers of any impending absences in order to reschedule a make-up. There is no reimbursement for missing lessons and make-up lessons will not be provided without prior notification. If a missing lesson is due to extenuating circumstances beyond your ability to control, a make-up might be issued at the discretion of the instructor. If a teacher is absent, you will be notified ahead of time and a make-up lesson will be reschedule at a time most convenient for you.

Students are expected to notify their teachers of any impending absences in order to reschedule a make-up. There is no reimbursement for missing lessons and make-up lessons will not be provided without prior notification. If a missing lesson is due to extenuating circumstances beyond your ability to control, a make-up might be issued at the discretion of the instructor. If a teacher is absent, you will be notified ahead of time and a make-up lesson will be reschedule at a time most convenient for you.

Request to withdraw from lessons must be made in a written statement to the Pacific Community Music School at Notifications made verbally will not be recognized. Full refund or tuition credit will be given if a student withdraws before the beginning of a term. If notification to withdraw from private lessons is received before the end of the sixth week, 50% credit or refund with be granted. No credit or refund is given for notification received after the sixth week. In extreme cases involving serious illness, death, or relocation, arrangements for credit or refund can be made at the discretion of the Director of the school.